Bruce Deming | Lou Lamoureux | Martin Phillips

About the Team

Bruce Deming
Age: 48
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Occupation: Attorney & Counselor at Law

Family status:

Single with a chocolate lab, “Eiger”

Other sports:
Bruce is an accomplished climber and mountaineer, having summited peaks in the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps, and the Alaska mountain ranges.

Race Blog


Lou Lamoureux
Age: 33
Hometown: Herndon, VA
Occupation: Director of Marketing and co-founder of Optimum Fitness Results LLC

Family status:

Married to wife Adrienne; two children, Lorelai and Roland

Personal & cycling achievements:
Diagnosed with kidney disease while still in high school, Lou received a successful kidney transplant from his mother, Donna, in September, 2000.  Since that time, Lou has won gold medals in the 2002 U.S. Transplant Games, and top-ten finishes in the 2003 World Transplant Games in Nancy, France.

Race Blog


Martin Phillips
Age: 42
Hometown: Arlington , VA (with dreams of Colorado)
Occupation: Analyst with SYColeman

Family status:
Single, 2 Bikes

Personal and Cycling Achievements:
Retired from the US Army. Martin has completed Solo 24 hour Mountain Bike Races, numerous double centuries, and is an avid Adventure Racer. He is a member of the Potomac Pedaler’s Cycling Club and the International Christian Cycling Club.

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