Martin Phillips, 42, lives in Arlington, is a native
of Michigan, but dreams of Utah and Colorado - two of the many places
he was stationed before retiring from the US Army. While in the
Army, he ran with the bulls in Spain, jumped out of planes, and
taught extreme cold weather survival in the Colorado Mountains.
His parents taught him better than that.
Martin realizes that he was spoiled rotten while living in UT and CO, so in the Metro DC area, he rarely skis and normally is on skinny tires rather than fat ones.
He prefers long rides and in the last several years, he has mostly competed as a soloist in 24-hour MTB races, but also in 24 hour and longer adventure races.
Like Bill, Martin has a habit of inadvertently adding to the length of rides/races by exploring territory not necessarily on the course. He calls them "Bonus Miles". He's hoping not to see any border patrol agents during this trip – Canada and Mexico are just a bit off course.
He hasn't figured out how to use a couch yet. His mother worries about him.